
Through kickass efforts (and less screwing around), we aim to push emoji design and innovation to greater heights. We strive for perfection, but never settle for perfect. We invent for the inventors, and we share our product for the simple happiness of bringing joy to others. Emoji expression represents the modern communication of today, as well as the future. It's a privilege to share our beautiful expressions with the world. - Rick Moby Founder/Developer
Custom printed products offered by the StickyLife brand offers Emojis by EmojiOne. We provide the EmojiOne emojis for use in most of our design tools that allow you to create custom printed decals, car magnets, dog tags and more. What you create will be a product of your own personality and self expression.

To learn more about EmojiOne please visit their emoji website. There you will see a full list of their emojis and learn more about how you too can use their emojis for your own custom projects.
Below is just a small sampling of some of the available emojis.